Jeff Russ
Software Developer
(646) 504-8786 Glen Rock, NJ
Career Objective & Skills
Driven by a love of programming, self-learning and creative problem solving with open-source software projects, followed by formal education in Computer Science earning a 3.978 GPA, the next step is to share these skills and knowledge to solve the needs of an enterprise and its stakeholders.
Formal Education
Thomas Edison State University,
Bachelor's in Computer Science- GPA: 3.978
- Five President's List Achievements
- Two honor society invitations
- Graduated Dec. 2021
- View Diploma, Transcript, etc.
Career-specific transcript
Course Grade Term System Analysis & Design I 99% June '21 Software Engineering 100% Mar. '21 Database Management (SQL) 96% Mar. '21 Artificial Intelligence 97% Feb. '21 Computer Architecture 97% Oct '20 Calculus I 94% Oct '20 Discrete Mathematics 93% June '20 Python Programming 94% June '20 Data Structures (in Python) 96% Dec. '19 Operating Systems 93% Dec. '19 C++ Programming 98% Sept. '19 Rutgers University, Bachelor's of Music, GPA: 3.011, Two Dean's List Achievements, Graduated May 2005
Certifications, Additional Coursework and Training
- Full Stack Engineer Career Path with Codecademy, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, SQL, Express.js, React.js & Node.js. Sept. '21 ~ Feb. '22
- CSMM.101x — Artificial Intelligence with Columbia University via EdX (ColumbiaX) — Taken in parallel with Thomas Edison State University's AI course as it included work implementing AI in Python. Feb. '21 ~ Apr. '21
- C++ Institute, CPA – C++ Certified Associate Programmer — View Certificate
- Web Developer Bootcamp with CoderManual on Ruby, Rails, HTML, Git, GitHub, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap.
Selected Projects
The majority of these open-source projects were created as the basis for, or in service of, closed-source work as a web developer; Oct '15 ~ Present.
- next-markdown-journal — A personal journal, blog and portfolio website built in Next.js, a React a web framework with content authored in MDX files (Markdown with JSX) and Tailwind CSS & Node scripts for site configuration. Written in JavaScript & HTML (JSX). Dec. '21 ~ Present.
- spelunker — Utility to batch Node's I/O with the shell, thus increasing performance of otherwise expensive operations.
- jeffpack-for-wordpress — PHP/JavaScript Plugin and CSS (Sass/SCSS with Bootstrap) Theme enabling remote updating via Git.
- — A with Real-time web page generation from markdown files hosted anywhere. Written in Ruby on Rails with Sass/SCSS
- gfunc-gem — A collection of multi-purpose Ruby utilities bundled as a Ruby Gem package.
- AdlibBlaster — MacOS port of JuceOPLVSTi emulating the Yamaha OPL sound chip written in C++.
- gits — Enables multiple Git repositories from the same working directory. Written in Bash.
- bash-boolean-helpers — Adds 'truthy' and 'falsy' to Bash for better, cleaner syntax.
- bashquicks — Staple Bash scripts for common tasks.